Build beautiful and interactive API documentation for ORDS

In this blog post, I will show you how to quickly build beautiful and interactive API documentation for your Oracle APEX REST data sources using  swagger hub . Using APEX v23.1. I downloaded the  titanic data set  and loaded them into tables in my APEX instance, created some authorized restful services and published them using swagger hub. You can create a free account on swagger hub.   Check out my titanic swagger hub here ; Press Authorize. Username REST, password Glasgow123! I won't go through creating RESTful services and just show you the four I created that sit on top of the titanic data set; The GET is a very simple SQL query;      select * from TITANIC_DATA_SET_NEW A handy tip is to add comments, as there will appear on swagger hub, making your API self documenting; Once you have created your modules, press the Generate Swagger Doc button; This will generate an open API for you.  Copy the API and paste it into swagger hub This will generat...

Add a DumbBell chart to your APEX app - Part 1 of the HighChart Series

How to add a DumbBell chart to your APEX app using HighCharts and JQuery.  This is the first in the series of blog posts showing you how to add HighCharts to your APEX application.

I have been using HighCharts in my web apps for a number of years and in my opinion its the best charting JavaScript library out there, its free to use for non-commercial use, robust, well documented, mobile friendly and a great addition to your APEX app.  
The chart reads the data points from an Interactive Report.

Create an Interactive Region with static ID IR_STATIC_ID using the following SQL source;

select 'Australie' as VALUE_160 as VALUE_270 as VALUE_3 from DUAL
select 'New Zealand' as VALUE_170 as VALUE_280 as VALUE_3 from DUAL
select 'Scotland' as VALUE_180 as VALUE_290 as VALUE_3 from DUAL
select 'England' as VALUE_150 as VALUE_270 as VALUE_3 from DUAL
select 'France' as VALUE_155 as VALUE_290 as VALUE_3 from DUAL
select 'Spain' as VALUE_167 as VALUE_2,98 as VALUE_3 from DUAL
select 'United States' as VALUE_182 as VALUE_289 as VALUE_3 from DUAL
select 'Peru' as VALUE_170 as VALUE_279 as VALUE_3 from DUAL
select 'Portugal' as VALUE_155 as VALUE_295 as VALUE_3 from DUAL
select 'India' as VALUE_165 as VALUE_285 as VALUE_3 from DUAL
select 'Senegal' as VALUE_145 as VALUE_265 as VALUE_3 from DUAL

Create a static region which will display the BarBell chart in the Header and Footer section header text;

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<figure class="highcharts-figure">
    <div id="container"></div>
    <p class="highcharts-description">


(reading directly from HighCharts, if it works for you download them to static application files)

Add the following code to execute when page loads. This is the code that contains the configuration of the chart and loads the data from the Interactive Report;

Highcharts.chart('container', {

    chart: {
        type: 'dumbbell',
        inverted: true

    legend: {
        enabled: false

    subtitle: {
        text: '1960 vs 2018'

    title: {
        text: 'Change in Life Expectancy'

    tooltip: {
        shared: true

    xAxis: {
        type: 'category'

    yAxis: {
        title: {
            text: 'Life Expectancy (years)'

    series: [{
        name: 'Life expectancy change',
        data: getDataFromInteractiveReport('IR_STATIC_ID')


(You can have a play with configuration options in HighCharts Fiddle and then change the options in the code)

this code reads the data from the Interactive Report to display on the chart;

function getDataFromInteractiveReport(staticID){
    var result = []; // array of [name, low, high] to pass to HighCharts
    // For each row in the IR
    var data =$.each($('#'+staticID+' tr'), function(indextr){  
        if ($(this).find("td:eq(0)").text())
      result.push( {name: $(this).find("td:eq(0)").text(), 
    return result;

Highcharts needs the Interactive Grid to be present on the page to get the values to plot on the graph. If you dont need the Interactive report displayed on the page you can hide the interactive report using the following CSS;


Highcharts is free to use for personal projects, school websites, and non-profit organizations. For commercial applications you must purchase a license.

Part 2 - Add a timeline diagram chart to your APEX app

Part 3 - Add a timeline series chart to your APEX app


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