Build beautiful and interactive API documentation for ORDS

In this blog post, I will show you how to quickly build beautiful and interactive API documentation for your Oracle APEX REST data sources using  swagger hub . Using APEX v23.1. I downloaded the  titanic data set  and loaded them into tables in my APEX instance, created some authorized restful services and published them using swagger hub. You can create a free account on swagger hub.   Check out my titanic swagger hub here ; Press Authorize. Username REST, password Glasgow123! I won't go through creating RESTful services and just show you the four I created that sit on top of the titanic data set; The GET is a very simple SQL query;      select * from TITANIC_DATA_SET_NEW A handy tip is to add comments, as there will appear on swagger hub, making your API self documenting; Once you have created your modules, press the Generate Swagger Doc button; This will generate an open API for you.  Copy the API and paste it into swagger hub This will generat...

How to send an email from your ORACLE APEX app

Sending emails from your APEX application using APEX Email Templates is super simple.

The project specification was to add buttons to a form to allow users to press a button to email students whether they have been successful or unsuccessful in their scholarship application.

This is how we did it.  The application form is a standard APEX form where we will add a button to the form that when pressed will send an email;

In this example I will walk you through the creation of the rejection email.  First, we created a new email template for rejection emails with the name REJECTION;

with the following identification;

To send images in the email ensure they are hosted on a publicly available site.  In this case, I hosted the University of Glasgow logo on my Google Drive and put it in the header of the email using the HTML IMG tag;

The body is standard HTML using substitution strings (Special substitution strings available within a template are denoted by the number symbol (#). For example: #ABC#)

Student Name: #FIRST_NAME# #LAST_NAME#<br>
    16 September 2021
    Dear #FIRST

In the Advanced section press 'Load Default HTML' which loads the default HTML that styles the email, you can change this;

Now we create the button on the page with an 'Execute Server-side Code' Dynamic Action;

This is where the code reads the items on the page to send to the template which uses them as special substitution strings.  We are sending 5 items to the template where they get referenced in the HTML body, for example to reference FIRST_NAME in the body HTML we use #FIRST_NAME#. 

p_template_static_id is the name of the email template, REJECTION.

    apex_mail.send (
        p_to                 => apex_json.stringify( :P901_EMAIL_ADDRESS) ,
        p_template_static_id => 'REJECTION',
        p_placeholders       => '{' ||
        '    "FIRST_NAME":' || apex_json.stringify( :P901_FIRST_NAME ) ||
        ',   "LAST_NAME":' || apex_json.stringify( :P901_LAST_NAME ) ||
        ',   "STUDENT_ID":' || apex_json.stringify( :P901_STUDENT_ID ) ||
        ',   "APPLICATION_NUMBER":' || apex_json.stringify( :P901_APPLICATION_NUMBER ) ||
         ',  "TEXT_SCHOLARSHIP_NAME":' || apex_json.stringify( :P901_SCHOLARSHIP_NAME) ||
        '}' );

Note.  You must set Maintain Session State to 'Per Session (Disk)' for any form values you are sending in the PLSQL;

To finish it off, add another Dynamic Action to the button to alert the user an email has been sent.

That's it, super easy and because the HTML is in the email template it's a nice separation of model/view so easy to maintain going forward.

Conditional HTML

If you have conditional requirements, for example you do not want an ordered list element to appear if there is no value, you can do this in your HTML body;


In the PLSQL, declare 2 variables;

  l_residency_comment_begin VARCHAR2(100);
  l_residency_comment_end   VARCHAR2(100);

If we do not have a value for the agent's email address, give them the following values;

      l_residency_comment_begin :'<!--';
      l_residency_comment_end :'-->';

send them to the email template;

',"RESIDENCY_COMMENT_BEGIN":' || apex_json.stringify(l_residency_comment_begin) ||
',"RESIDENCY_COMMENT_END":'   || apex_json.stringify(l_residency_comment_end) ||    

The full PLSQL is;

    l_residency_comment_begin VARCHAR2(100);
    l_residency_comment_end   VARCHAR2(100);

      l_residency_comment_begin :'<!--';
      l_residency_comment_end :'-->';

    apex_mail.send (
        p_to                 => '',
        p_template_static_id => 'GENERICACCEPTANCE',
        p_placeholders       => '{' ||
        ' "FIRST_NAME":' || apex_json.stringify:P901_FIRST_NAME ) ||
        ',"LAST_NAME":' || apex_json.stringify:P901_LAST_NAME ) ||
        ',"STUDENT_ID":' || apex_json.stringify:P901_STUDENT_ID ) ||
        ',"APPLICATION_NUMBER":' || apex_json.stringify:P901_APPLICATION_NUMBER ) ||
        ',"TEXT_SCHOLARSHIP_NAME":' || apex_json.stringify:P901_SCHOLARSHIP_NAME) ||
        ',"RESIDENCY":' || apex_json.stringify:P901_AGENT_EMAIL_ADDRESS) ||  
        ',"RESIDENCY_COMMENT_BEGIN":' || apex_json.stringify(l_residency_comment_begin) ||
        ',"RESIDENCY_COMMENT_END":'   || apex_json.stringify(l_residency_comment_end) ||     
        '}' );

I did think the easy way of doing this would be to add this CSS, but this does not work.  If anybody does know how to do it with CSS only, a comment would be great.

li:empty {
  display: none;


  1. Sweet write up!

    One comment on the attachment of images. You do have the option of attaching images from the DB.

    You can use apex_mail.add_attachment and reference that attachment in your html template via an img tag and the src using the cid:

    Then reference the image in the img tag via:

    Although this adds an attachment, increases the email size, and sometimes can flag the attachment as spam. Just wanted to share another option depending on your situation. Pros and cons.


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