Build beautiful and interactive API documentation for ORDS

In this blog post, I will show you how to quickly build beautiful and interactive API documentation for your Oracle APEX REST data sources using  swagger hub . Using APEX v23.1. I downloaded the  titanic data set  and loaded them into tables in my APEX instance, created some authorized restful services and published them using swagger hub. You can create a free account on swagger hub.   Check out my titanic swagger hub here ; Press Authorize. Username REST, password Glasgow123! I won't go through creating RESTful services and just show you the four I created that sit on top of the titanic data set; The GET is a very simple SQL query;      select * from TITANIC_DATA_SET_NEW A handy tip is to add comments, as there will appear on swagger hub, making your API self documenting; Once you have created your modules, press the Generate Swagger Doc button; This will generate an open API for you.  Copy the API and paste it into swagger hub This will generate the documentation; As mentioned b

Highlight min and max column values in an Interactive Report

Highlight maximum and minimum column values in an Interactive Report (or grid) with a couple of lines of JavaScript and CSS.


Create an Interactive Report region (static ID IR_STATIC_ID) with the following source SQL;

select 'Product 1' as PRODUCT100 as VALUE_1200 as VALUE_2121 as VALUE_3 from DUAL
select 'Product 2' as PRODUCT103 as VALUE_1140 as VALUE_299 as VALUE_3 from DUAL
select 'Product 3' as PRODUCT1 as VALUE_12 as VALUE_2120 as VALUE_3 from DUAL
select 'Product 4' as PRODUCT10 as VALUE_17 as VALUE_2124 as VALUE_3 from DUAL
select 'Product 5' as PRODUCT432 as VALUE_1632 as VALUE_2134 as VALUE_3 from DUAL
select 'Product 6' as PRODUCT34 as VALUE_1333 as VALUE_2166 as VALUE_3 from DUAL

Add this to execute when page loads;

    var cols = []
    var trs = $('#IR_STATIC_ID tr')
    var data =$.each(trs , function(indextr){
      $.each($(tr).find("td").not(":first"), function(indextd){
        cols[index] = cols[index] || [];
      var max = Math.max.apply(nullcol);
      var min = Math.min.apply(nullcol)
      $('#IR_STATIC_ID tr').find('td:eq('+(index+1)+')').each(function(itd){
        $(td).toggleClass('u-color-1-text', +$(td).text() === max)
        $(td).toggleClass('u-color-2-text', +$(td).text() === min)  

Inline CSS, change this to suit.

    color:red !Important;

Your grid min and max values will now be highlighted.


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